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Specialist Doctors PK is the best website to find out specialist doctors and hospitals in Pakistan effortlessly. Our doctor’s list is created based on different categories, anyone can easily find out desired specialist doctor.

Benefits of Creating Specialist Doctors PK Profile:

  • Our website gets a huge number of visitors who are looking for different kinds of specialist doctors in Pakistan.
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  1.  Dr. Mahvish Aftab Khan is best Dermatologist  and skin Specialist in islmabad also holds a medical licence for aesthetic procedures. She received her postgraduate studies at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) and Shifa International Hospital Islamabad to hone her talents. She completed various aesthetic medicine courses from the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAA-AM USA), European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology (ESCAD), as well as courses offered nationally. She was a member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, the Pakistan Academy of Dermatology (PAD), and the Pakistan Association of Aesth Dermatologists and Surgeons (PAADS) (AAAM).
